Saturday, June 19, 2021

Siddharth : We Miss You!

Our childhood!!

Filled with harmless mischiefs

The running Up (ऊपर वाला घर) and Down(नीचे वाला) 

As is the famous dialect of Dehradun

Those Hides and Seeks

But you hid completely today! And we're unable to Seek you this time!

Your heart filled with Love for everyone around you

Those Big Hugs whenever you greeted anyone,

That innocent smile!

That firm wrist in all the Rakshabandhans!

Dadiji की डांट and ताई जी का लाड़

 ताऊजी की ऊंची आवाज़ and हम सबका डर के छत पर भागना

We know you remember it all. 

You always will.

For when the Souls meet and part, there is an inevitable Supreme Will!

We will miss you भाई forever!

38 is a vibrant age, not one in which the heart should collapse!

May you achieve peace!

Because your name says it all

सिद्धार्थ - Siddhārtha : सिद्ध + अर्थ

"The one who has accomplished an aim or purpose”

And we called you किंशू - another name for 'श्री भगवान कृष्ण'

अपनी मुरली अनोखी ही थी तुम्हारी , हमेशा!

ॐ शांति!🙏🏻😇🌷