Forgive and Forget
The phrase my convent nuns tried hard we accept
Every morning assembly or moral science class, it was thus
"Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us'
As an adolescent, something the mind was not ready to trust
The play of hormones, the adrenalin rush
The start of youth, the emotional gush
The friendship bonds, the pinky swear
Nascent relationships had nothing to spare
And so we grew with concrete thoughts
Living a life out of sorts!
Until the 'Kriya Yoga' melted it all
The connect with the Supreme, that was 'The Call'!
Tears of ecstasy brimmed in each cell
To a point one could experience not tell
And then the heart let it all go
Put on a marvellous show
To break the ice yet not consider it a sacrifice
That feeling to be free
The Soul goes spree
Because I had moved on
Let bygones be bygones
This moment is a beautiful beginning
To cherish new happening
For only when you forgive and forget
The life is reset!
--Megha Sharma