Friday, September 11, 2020

Mittal साहब !

This one is special!

Congratulations!! You’re Forty!

Have been with you equals how old you were

 ‘जब we met’!

Mathematics is your forte, am sure you can get

I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes

Growing old together, the rich experience shows

Your pristine smile, your incessant laughter

Our endless stories you’re ready to hear, your glance shows you care

You are a family man, for them you do all that you can

#Respect for who you are

Down to Earth, modest among peers you shine like a star

Gratitude for bringing two little ones in our life

I adore each day for being your wife

My sibling calls you ‘जीजस’, my kids’ Dadda

You have your ways to spread your aura!

On this beautiful day, 

when Mother Earth brought you home

Wishing you joy and fortune in abundance to come!

                                                                                                          - 💐💐  Yours Megha

Friday, September 4, 2020

My Friend's Sister


This one is for a sister, younger sibling of my friend

We talked about you often in college, then

Your aura I learnt was enrapturing 

In college could have spent more time with you talking

Alas, it wasn’t the culture then

As seniors we spent more time with the pen

Life connected us again now

Spiritual path intersected somehow!

I spoke with you today, perhaps the first time

It felt the aeons sublime

It gratified me to see the way you’ve progressed in life

The decisions you’ve taken and abide

To see one’s younger grow profound

Leaves one with a heart that is proud 

Wishing you life’s best

To reach your potential before you rest

                                                 — Megha Sharma

Thursday, September 3, 2020


Born in Haridwar around the vast expanse of Ganga
River has been intimate
The gush of water, those whirlpools they form
Are intense high up in the Himalayan falls
The Blue Mandakini and the Silver Alakananda
Mesmerized to see your meanders, your thunder

In youth I moved and settled in the Deccan
Sister, River Kaveri welcomed me in abundance
That call took me to the Coorg to bow down to your source 
To trace you down Srirangapatnam, your sangam
You depleted beyond measure, can't afford to lose the treasure
The Messiah beckoned with open arms
Cauvery Calling became the norm
The United Nations welcomed the project
The heart could not be more content
What was needed now was action on the ground
To grow trees unlimited on every patch found
