Saturday, August 1, 2020

An Ode to the Brother!

When you have a younger brother you are no less than his mother

He becomes your darling son

You pamper him and are stern, his follies you can’t discern

You love him with all your might, in your own children you see his sight

 You celebrate his success, you wish him luck

On his birthdays you gift flowers freshly plucked

When he falls sick, you pray to God

With open eyes your prayers behold

You smile and shine when he comes to dine

Those long tête-à-tête as if after years you’ve met

On his wedding you beam end to end

You know he’s brought you a loving friend

His love, his soulmate

Becomes your amigo whom distance can’t separate

You 're blessed, all the more on festivals

Because the siblings are life long pals!


                                                        — Megha Sharma