Monday, August 24, 2020

An Ode to you, 'Lord Ganesha'!

You took birth though you are divine

Showed us the Soil is the source of life

From mud we are born and in the mud we dissolve

Life is a full circle, not easy but with unlimited potential

Perhaps, that’s what you demonstrate

To give yourself to your devotees for these eleven days

To wait to be bathed and fed by them, according to their convenience!

Your large elephant head symbolising wisdom, understanding, and a discriminating intellect

Not an easy feat! For you had to lose one to gain the other

Your small eyes depicting the power of concentration

Your large ears; you listen more

Your small mouth to talk less

Your trunk; highly efficient and adaptable

One tusk; because you’re beyond duality

Your open palm blessing us on the spiritual path to the Supreme

Your axe; to cut off all bonds of attachment

Your large stomach; to peacefully digest all good and bad in life

Your rope to pull you nearer to the highest goal

You ride your desire; the mouse to avoid it from creating havoc

Modaka’; the rewards of ‘Sadhana’

‘Prasada’; the whole world is at your feet!

And once more, the eager me came to see you, dissolving;

Your eyes penetrating mine!

That focus, that truth remains

One day I shall be mud again!

---   प्रणाम!

मेघा शर्मा