How I look doesn't matter to me
How you look never enters my mind!
How your mind works is what captivates me
How my mind works is something I work on!
The seed of creation is what made you as well as me
Each of us being unique and beautiful in our own way.
Perhaps, that's what I was brought up thinking;
Always guided to focus on my intellect, to sharpen my mind
To conduct myself with grace, for that'll reflect on my face
The words I utter decide the opening or closing of other heart's shutter!
For I can control the speech that is mine
In people's heart I can spread some Sunshine!
I wear what makes me comfortable
I respect what you choose for yourself
Those long tresses were when I wanted them
The shorter ones I adore today
You wouldn't see a change in me
If you connect with the seed of my creation, the life within!
— Megha Sharma